my playlists

all of these were made by yours truly :) and yes i do actually listen to them too. it’s one of my passions. the ones i listen to the most are marked with a *.

vibe check


  • alternate universe 10s | *90s/00s | *80s | 70s | 50s/60s - music that sounds like it was made in that decade but wasn’t. lots of genres, meant to feel like you’re from that era and turned on the radio and the random mix of stuff you’d hear.
  • *kpop songs with sims 2 radio vibes - i listen to this while i’m playing sims 2 bc i keep music in game turned off. i’ve also previously loaded it in mp3 form to my game as a custom radio station.
  • *90s arcade carpet
  • nostalgia city / nostalgia city 2.0 - music that i listened to growing up. 2.0 is the non-explicit version i made so i could play it over the speaker at work.
  • absolute fucking 80s bangers - my curated selection of 80s bops
  • oldie but a goodie - music from pre 1965ish~ that i like.
  • freshman, college - music i listened to my freshman year at art school 🤮 lots of bedroom pop. just makes me feel some type of way.

what’s in a year?



music that should’ve been in the movie



WIP - feel free to send song suggestions

site made using theme from seraphsanctum, edited by me :)